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Estate Planning Check Up Time

As the summer heats up, it’s a good time to check up on our parents and other senior loved-ones. Making sure they are safe in the hot humid weather is a must. Another good thing to check on is their estate plan. Do they have their estate planning documents updated? Is there a Power of Attorney in place? A Health Care Proxy & Living Will?

A set of siblings were in my office earlier this summer, worried about their mom, who lived alone and was starting to have serious signs of dementia. One of the saddest symptoms is paranoia. Children who have loved and cared for her for years were now suspect in her mind.

Her actions had turned to dangerous, as she was calling strangers and telling them she was alone. It was time to start protecting her, and past time to begin protecting her assets.

But … She had no Power of Attorney. Because she was competent enough to understand things, one could be drafted and signed. However, in a few months, the family could easily have been in need of a Guardianship proceeding. That would cost thousands of dollars and embarrassed their mother, potentially requiring her to appear in Court and having her be declared incompetent.

Make sure your senior loved-ones have their estate planning documents in place. Don’t be caught by surprise. If they don’t, give our office a call at (315) 797-7300 or contact us online so we can help.