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Has The Estate Planning Law Changed? A Lesson In Shady Attorneys

A client called me recently, having been told by an estate planning attorney that his trust had to be changed as he was living in Florida, and his trust has been drafted in New York State. It seems that his friends had met an attorney who informed them that there was a “major change in the law.” The attorney had convinced his entire group of friends that they needed to re-state their New York Trusts to “Florida Trusts”.

Having worked in the field for 16 years, I’ve run across more than my share of shysters, but this example of misleading clients takes the cake.

When confronted, the attorney told a family member that his father, “… didn’t HAVE to amend his trust,” but since he was now living in Florida, it might be a “good idea.”

Writing a check to an attorney like this is never a good idea.

To be clear, there have been no “changes in the law”, and a trust drafted in another state is valid in all 50 states

The best advice: talk to professionals you know, who can point you to true experts.

Talk around the pool or at the hair salon is great, but as my 9th Grade math teacher would say, “Do your own homework!”

If you need help with your estate planning needs feel free to give our office a call at (315)797-7300 or complete our online contact form to schedule a consultation.